

当博士. 迈克尔·塞利格, 化学助理教授, first heard about the 607 Soaring Southern Tier Startup Collegiate Competition, his first thought was to involve his first-year research students. 这个团队雄心勃勃,合作得很好, 赢得现金奖励的重要属性, 尤其是5美元,第一名奖金1000元.

由incuborworks组织, 607 Soaring is open to students at 埃尔迈拉大学 and SUNY Corning Community College. The goal is to provide students an opportunity to learn and practice important skills like problem-solving, 在团队中工作, 正式地表达想法.
“The competition will help cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit within the college students and teach them how to turn an idea into a business,阿什利·麦迪逊说, 孵化器工场的执行董事.

塞利格的学生, 麦肯齐·布朗26岁, 维多利亚·贝亨,26岁, 迈克尔·康纳26岁, and Owen Mascaro ’26 believe they have an environmentally and consumer-friendly idea to pitch.

“Plastic waste has increasingly become a large environmental problem worldwide, and large portions of this waste are due to plastic packaging and disposable items like cups, 餐具, 和吸管,塞利格解释道, adding that the team wants to address this issue with an alternative product.

EC teams that sign up will be able to leverage faculty advisors like Dr. 杰弗里·阿尔维斯博士. 马克·阿卜杜拉博士. 杰森·卡特博士. Alexis Rittenberger和Dr. 迈克尔·塞利格.

阿尔维斯, 管理学讲师, is particularly excited about the 607 Soaring competition because it will be a “terrific launch pad” for a 第三项 course he is teaching called, “Business Innovation and Creativity: VC for Entrepreneurs.”

“Students often see the world without the shackles of experience,” said 阿尔维斯. “To me, this means that they ask what might seem obvious from a different perspective. 作为顾问, it is our responsibility to serve as a guide and help students navigate the entrepreneurial process of converting an idea, 有时被许多人视为天真, 变成一个可行的冒险. The challenge for advisors is to not be critical but to ask the questions that elicit the most productive answers to the problem students are addressing. The students should be the source of the unique solutions that create a competitive advantage and provide a unique value, 无论是经济方面还是社会方面.”

而设计产品是挑战的一部分, another element the teams will need to consider is how to produce the product.

Selig believes the biggest challenge for his team is working out a scalable production model.

“I am hoping the students learn how to take the idea and ‘product’ from laboratory research and translate it into an idea that can be marketed and is attractive to industries and the public,塞利格说.

Overcoming this type of problem is exactly what the organizers of the competition hope students will learn.

“通过使用商业模式画布, students will learn a unique way to dissect a problem and solve it – something that we hope they will use after graduation and for the rest of their lives,麦迪逊说。.

Students from SUNY Corning Community College and 埃尔迈拉大学 have until March 19 to sign up for the competition. Teams can sign up directly with Mariana Huber at mhuber@incworks.org. EC students with additional questions can reach out to Dr. Alison Wolfe, EC’s 607 Soaring program lead for 埃尔迈拉大学. 期末报告将于下午1点开始广播.m. - 4:00 p.m.5月6日通过社交媒体发布. Details about how to watch the presentations will be posted closer to the event.
