

Oh! 你可以去的地方:生物学
“我每天都受到St. 裘德儿童研究医院有, and by the fact I can contribute to that mission of saving children and creating a better world for them,”医生说。. Daniel Bastardo Blanco ' 12.

Dr. 丹尼尔·巴斯塔多·布兰科,经理 一起由St. Jude™在线资源 也是mg冰球突破豪华版下载2012届令人惊叹的毕业生之一, 和来自世界各地的人一起旅行和工作, 发展有关复杂生物医学研究的交流, 患者教育, 人道主义服务项目. An up-and-coming star in the biomedical communications field, he recently earned the 《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》评选的2023届40岁以下40人!

But communications wasn’t the original career trajectory for Bastardo Blanco. 他曾梦想成为一名科学家, 以及他是否留在他的祖国委内瑞拉学习, 巴斯塔多·布兰科今天很可能是一名兽医.

当Bastardo Blanco还年轻的时候, he visited the school in Venezuela that would train him to become a veterinarian. He was set to attend but then his mother learned about a new program for high-achieving students that provides a scholarship to attend college in the United States.

“我很感兴趣,决定试一试. 为什么不呢??”

经过漫长而艰难的申请过程, 巴斯塔多·布兰科成为加拉加斯以外为数不多的学生之一, 委内瑞拉首都, 为了获得奖学金.

“这改变了我的生活. That is what enabled me to be 在这里 today: the opportunity I took and the risk my parents allowed me to take. 它让我在EC接受教育,并推动我走向成功.”

因为学校制度不同, Bastardo Blanco决定学习生物学,成为一名科学家. He chose EC for its traditions, small class sizes, and active campus community.

“我觉得mg冰球突破豪华版下载是一个让我成长和服务的地方. 也, I loved that EC has such a diverse number of classes and themes and subjects to explore,他兴奋地说. “It was very good for me because it enabled me to explore more areas of study I hadn’t considered before, 我以更全面的方式成长和学习.”

The smaller class sizes meant he could really get to know his professors.

“我和教授们的关系非常亲密. 这不仅仅是和他们一起上课. I was learning about their own journeys to become scientists and professors. 所以这真的很特别.”

Although Bastardo Blanco was a Biology major, he was inspired by his Chemistry professor, Dr. 戴尔·鲍尔斯,一位拥有多项专利的科学家. “对我来说,他似乎是一种激励. I asked him within the first week or two if I could do research with him.”

答案是肯定的. 巴斯塔多·布兰科和鲍尔斯一起做研究, the experience that ignited his true passion was the microbiology research he conducted in the Obler 夏天 Research program between his second and third years.

Oh! 你可以去的地方:生物学


While Bastardo Blanco found success in the lab, he also flourished outside the classroom. 在第一年, 他参加了七个俱乐部, 包括极限飞盘, 模拟联合国, 西班牙语, 和网球. Bastardo Blanco也想继续参与国际扶轮, 他高中时自愿参加的吗. He ultimately started a Rotaract Club chapter at 埃尔迈拉大学, which continues to thrive today. Meetings with his classmates and strategizing how to make a difference in the community would become the best hours of every week.

“这是我教育的重要组成部分. 在那里我学会了如何建立人际关系, 做一个领导者, 推销我的想法, 把人们聚集在一起. I am very thankful to EC for providing me with this community w在这里 I could grow as a leader and grow as a person.”

在电子商务, Bastardo Blanco was on track to become the scientist he dreamed of becoming, joining the Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences program at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He felt better prepared to face the challenges of graduate school than many of his classmates, 感谢他在EC的经历.

“Some of my classmates didn’t really have the opportunity to participate in class,” he explained. “They could just go to a class with 100 other people and be silent all day and not be part of the discussion.”

然而,, 就像巴斯塔多·布兰科接受教育一样, he realized he wasn’t taking advantage of some of his strengths like communication and relationship building. He decided to explore that side of himself and eventually switched from being a scientist to becoming a professional communicator and public relations professional.

“My science training helps me connect with scientists and physicians and think of creative ways to communicate scientific and medical information to lay audiences effectively. 另外, I use the skills developed in the lab to improve how my team approaches our work and make research a regular part of it.”

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“The work I do now inspires me every day and allows me to be closer to people - to patients - and to continue to do work that has a global impact on people’s lives. 家庭 facing childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases need educational resources they can trust and the 一起由St. Jude™在线资源 provides trusted information no matter w在这里 the patient receives treatment, 用他们能理解的语言.”

这个故事最早出现在2023年版的《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》上. 点击 在这里 了解更多!
